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Services that provide protection from potential harm or tools to assist Individuals to prevent harm within the family and community.


Police, Child Abuse Report Line, Emergency accommodation, Domestic Violence services, Neighbourhood Watch, Crisis care, Homelessness services, Lifeline, Kids Help line, ACIS Bullying programs and cyber safety.

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Physical Health

Services providing support for individuals to achieve and maintain growth and development and facilitate access to prevention measures to redress any emerging health concerns. Including; physical activity, nutrition and diet, alcohol and drugs, medical self-care, rest and sleep.


Disability, Primary health (GP, Dental, Specialists, Child and YouthHealth), Allied Health (OT, Speech Pathologist, Psychologist, physiotherapist), Nutrition/Dietician, Sports club, alcohol and substance use.

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Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

Services providing support to individuals to enable them to realize their own potential, cope with normal life stresses, work productively and fruitfully and be able to make a contribution to their community. Improving an individual’s ability to understand the value of their emotions to enable them to move forward in a positive direction.


Alcohol and substance abuse, Mental health services (Adult and CAMHS), Psychologists, GP(mental health care plans), NGO agencies, Bullying programs, parent/child conflict, parenting programs.

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Service that provide support to individuals to improve their emotional involvement with family, partners, peers and community. Assisting them to achieve a sense of connection within their immediate environment.


Community Centres, Parenting programs, Friendship groups, Community groups, Parent/child services, Counselling, Psychology, Cultural groups, Spiritual groups, Playgroups, Schools, Kindys, Children’s Centres.

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Material Wellbeing

Services that improve individuals and families access to adequate and stable housing, adequate clothing, health food and clean water. Improving their ability to act meaningfully to pursue goals and enjoy a satisfactory quality of life.


Financial counselling, Emergency financial assistance, Housing, Centrelink, Community Welfare i.e. food, assistance programs Transport services, Employment services and programs.

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Learning & Development

Services that provide support to individuals and families to acquire knowledge and skills through study, experience or being taught. Facilitating people’s engagement with learning.


Schools, Preschools, Children’s Centres, Homework Clubs, University, TAFE, FLO providers, Community Adult Education, Skills Development, VET courses, Sports clubs, Activity clubs i.e Scouts, Tutoring, Community centres.

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We have collected the details of as many of the organisations providing services in the Far West area as possible to provide a selection of services for users of this directory to choose from. The developers of this website do not endorse any particular organisations or services. Choosing a suitable service is up to the discretion of the user.

This website is not monitored.
If your situation is life threatening please call 000 immediately.

If you require crisis care or support please call any of the following:

24hr Emergency & Crisis Intervention 13 14 65
Lifeline 13 11 14
Healthdirect 1800 022 222
Or your local GP clinic or hospital